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 Passenger Terminal at Ribeirão Preto Airport Receives Improvements and Expansion


Passenger Terminal at Ribeirão Preto Airport Receives Improvements and Expansion | MORE THAN FLY | News - Aviation - Photos
Photo  © Rede VOA - Disclosure.

The Leite Lopes Airport, in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (Brazil) under concession by Rede VOA, is undergoing improvements in the passenger terminal. The area doubled its capacity for seated passengers, with the installation of electronic turnstiles to facilitate operation, delivery of new commercial rooms to improve the offer of services, in addition to the complete retrofit of restrooms.


In this first phase, Rede VOA invested R$ 4 million, which also included the purchase of new air conditioning equipment, replacement of electrical systems and use of LED lamps, maintenance of airport visual systems (for taxiway and patio) and maintenance of external and internal areas.


“We anticipate our investments in Ribeirão Preto to ensure greater comfort for passengers even during the high summer season. In record time, after all, we took over the operation only in April 2022, we were able to change the airport's design, ensuring comfort in boarding and disembarking, in addition to expanding the service option”, says the president of Rede VOA, Marcel Moure.


Moure also announced that the second expansion phase will begin in January 2023, with the construction of a boulevard, integrated to the passenger terminal, in a sustainable project, with a bold proposal for architecture and landscaping. “Our intention is to impact users in Ribeirão e Região, who have been waiting for improvements at the airport for decades. For the first time, Leite Lopes will live up to the economic importance of the Region”, says Moure.


The deadline for delivery of the second phase is July 2023 and the final expansion of the terminal, for the third phase, will be July 2024, with a total investment of R$ 18.5 million. “We are delivering a modern airport to citizens, able to receive new flights and the interest of airlines, which have already started to offer more lines leaving Ribeirão for the Northeast and Brasília”, concludes Moure.



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