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 Jundiai Airport has Regular Flights to Rio and Curitiba

Jundiai Airport has Regular Flights to Rio and Curitiba | MORE THAN FLY | News - Aviation - Photos
Photo © Rede VOA. Disclosure.

The Airport Rolim Amaro, from Jundiaí -SP (QDV), managed by Rede VOA, is the main executive airport in the country and now has commercial flights available to Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba, in addition to the capital of São Paulo, with Caravan aircraft.


Flights depart from Jundiaí to the airports of Jacarepaguá (RRJ) and Santos Dumont (SDU), in Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba – Afonso Pena Airport (CWB) and also to São Paulo – Congonhas Airport (CGH), with weekly flights.


On Sunday, flights leave Jundiaí for Jacarepaguá, Congonhas and Santos Dumont. On Mondays, to Curitiba; Tuesdays and Thursdays for Santos Dumont and Fridays for Curitiba.


For the president of Rede VOA, Marcel Moure, the expansion of the air network denotes the great logistical vocation of Jundiaí, where the company's headquarters are located. “Jundiaí Airport is one of the busiest in our network, thanks to its strategic location next to the Bandeirantes highway and a 30-minute drive from the capital of São Paulo. The initiative is of great importance for passengers looking for air transport alternatives without having to travel to the capital or Campinas – Viracopos Airport (VCP). The trend is for these flights to increase, as there is great demand from Jundiaí, the 15th largest economy in Brazil and the 5th in the State of São Paulo.”




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