More than 60 Thousand People Attended the AFA Air Sunday in Pirassununga, Brazil
More than 60 thousand people attended the Air Force Academy
(AFA) which opened its doors, after two years for another edition of Air Sunday,
a traditional event in the region of Pirassununga (SP), Brazil, which took place on
August 21, from 9 am to 5 pm.
There were numerous aerial and ground attractions, with
guaranteed fun for the whole family. The event featured a static exhibition of
aircraft where the public could get to know them up close. The presentation of
the modernized T-27M aircraft, an air show with civil aircraft and the
incredible demonstration of the Chilean Halcones Esquadrilha as a special guest
on the 70th anniversary of the Smoke Squadron, activities for children, a food
court with a covered area, exhibitors with themed military products were also
some of the attractions throughout the day.
At the entrance there was a collection of non-perishable
food and on-site parking was free. The event had institutional support from the
Associação Esquadrilha da Fumaça, Covabra Supermercados and Prime Diesel
The AFA Air Sunday is one of the largest in Brazil, and is part of the celebrations alluding to the Day of the Aviator and the Brazilian Air Force, celebrated in October. This year in particular, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Smoke Squadron, as well as the bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil. This milestone allowed writing the history of the Brazilian Air Force. An Air Force generated by the idealism of Santos-Dumont and born in combat, called to defend Brazil, covering the country with its wings, bringing integration and support to the Brazilian people.
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